With Mr Rawcliffe and Mrs Lowe
Class 6: Our School Day
Arrive between 8:35am - 8:45am
Home Time: 3:15pm
Homework tasks will be online and can be accessed through the children’s IPads. The homework will be set every Monday and will be due the following Sunday, giving the children 7 days to complete the tasks.
1) Maths- ‘Learning by questions’ (LBQ).
2) Reading- 30 minutes reading task, accessed through ‘Reading Plus’.
3) Weekly spellings to learn for a test every Friday.
4) Regular reading of their school reading books with an adult at least three times a week.
Spring 1 The Making of Modern Britain This is a history topic. We will learn about the links between British and global history, and our own place within it through the study of ‘The Making of Modern Britain’. This will include an overview of the growth and decline of the British Empire. We will use historical enquiry skills to explore the impact of the partitioning of India and also the post-war migration from the Caribbean to Britain on The Empire Windrush. |
ENGLISH This half-term, our core text is
We are looking forward to lots of new reading and writing opportunities, based on this book and other companion texts, this half-term. This half term we will be focusing on key gramatical skills, which include: dialogue, relative clauses, commas for clarity and expanded noun phrases.
Have a go at practising your weekly spellings: |
SCIENCE This half-term, we will be learning about 'Electricty', as well as improving our working scientifically skills.
RE (Religious Education) This half term we will be looking at 'What kind of King is Jesus?' We will be looking at the place of Incarnation and Messiah within the ‘big story’ of the Bible. We will also look at the idea of what kind of King Jesus was. We will analyse the parables of 'the unforgiving servent' and 'the great banquet' – a Saviour from God – is important in the world today and, if it is true, what difference that might make in people’s lives. |
DT Our project this half term is 'Electrical Systems- Steady hand game'. This half term the children will be creating their own 'steady hand game'. The children will be designing their own personalised game, make their game using a range of different materials and skills and finally evaluate their product.
French Our next unit of the year is 'French Monster Pets'. We will be extending and building our French vocabulary to write a description of our very own monster! |
Computing This half-term, our topic is called 'Web Page Creation'. In this unit, we will
Learning how to touch type is such an important life skill. You can practise at home with these fun BBC Bitesize activities - Dance Mat Typing. |
And all the rest... Music - Mrs Chambers from Tameside Music Service will continue to teach us to play the ukulele each Tuesday and we will be writing songs based on conflict, linked to our previous history topic, 'People, Power and Protest'. On Wednesday afternoons we will join with the rest of KS1 and 2 to sing with Miss Parnell with Mrs Lok playing the piano.
PSHE - Our theme for this term is 'Celebrating Difference'.
PE - Our PE lesson with Coach Jake is on a Wednesday afternoon. They will get changed for PE before their lesson at school on Wednesday and then come home in their PE kit. There is an after school sports club for children in year 5 and 6 on Wednesday - each half term is a new theme and parents/carers can sign up on Arbor. Class 6 will do the mile run each week as well as other physical activities. |
Lunch time Prayer
For health and strength and daily food,
We thank you, God. Amen
Our End of Day Class Prayer
At the end of the day,
We would like to say,
Thank you God for another day,
Please keep us safe 'til the morning.
Mr Rawcliffe rawcliffel@sja.fa1.uk