With Mr Rawcliffe, Mrs Lok and Mrs Lowe

Class 6: Our School Day

Arrive between 8:35am - 8:45am

Home Time: 3:15pm 

Meet the Teacher


Autumn 1

People, Power & Protest


This is a history topic.

We will be learning about the chronological overview of some of the monarchs who ruled England. We will look at British Values: Democracy; The rule of law; Individual liberty; Mutual respect; and Tolerance. We will examine times when ordinary people have overcome the will of the monarch to bring about change. We will also look at the power of people, the need to protest, and the change in democracy through history. We will explore how the actions of people in the past are still relevant to the world today.


Knowledge Organiser



This half-term, our core text is Rumaysa: A Fairytale by Radiya Hafiza, Rhaida El Touny | Waterstones

We are looking forward to lots of new reading and writing opportunities, based on this book and other companion texts, in this first half term of the year.


Have a go at practising your weekly spellings with these games:

Spellings for Year 6 | Spelling Ninja