Hello and welcome to Class 4's web page.
Mrs Aarons' email address: AaronsS@sja.fa1.uk
Things to bring to school
Every day: reading/homework diary and reading book
Wednesday – Completed learning log (homework)
Monday- PE Kit (bring to school in a small bag). PE lesson on Friday.
Spring 1
Ancient Civilisations: Lost Lands
Autumn 2
Our Diverse Earth
A georaphy topic
Unit end point (what should they know and be able to do by the end of this unit)
Children should recognise that there is a difference between weather and climate and that climate zones are geographical areas separated by their climate. They should know that there is a difference between vegetation belts and biomes. They should recall some features of the 5 major types of biomes and be able to locate examples. They should be able to explain how human activity is having an impact on these environments.
Learning in other subjects this half term (Autumn 2)
In English, our core texts are 'Charlotte's Web' by E.B White and 'The Great Food Bank Heist' by Onjali Q Rauf.
In mathematics, we will be using Power Maths to improve our addition and subtraction skills. After that, we will be working on multiplication and division.
In science, we will be studying living things and their habitats.
In art, we will be sketching, drawing and printing.
In Religious Education, we will be exploring the question... 'How do festivals and family life show what matters to Jewish people?'
In computing, we will be creating media through photo editing.
In French, we will be learning about clothing in French.
During the school day, there are dedicated times where we collectively stop, think and reflect. Children are invited to join in with these prayers.
Lunchtime Prayer
For health and strength and daily food,
We thank you, God. Amen
End of day prayer
At the end of the day we would like to say,
Thank you, God, for a lovely day.
Please keep us safe 'til the morning. Amen
Our classroom and playground have prayer spaces that children may visit too.
What can you do to help your child this academic year?