General information
Spring 1
Monday 6th January 2025 - Friday 14th February 2025
Romans in Britain
Here are some useful links for our Romans in Britain topic:
Roman Britain - KS2 History - BBC Bitesize
Spring 1
The Romans in Britain
This is history topic. By the end of this unit, children will be able to talk about how we know so much about the Romans. They will be able to recall the facts about the Roman invasion of Britain and what changes the Romans caused to everyday life in Britain. They will explore the resistance of Boudica to the Roman. Finally, children will investigate the Roman legacy.
Learning in other subjects
In English, our core text is Aesops Fables. We will be wiritng an alternative ending to a fable.
In mathematics, we will be using Power Maths to improve our multiplication and division. Later, we will start the unit on length.
In science, we will be studying plants.
In DT, we will be learning how to sew and making cushions.
In Religious Education, we will studying the story of Noah and the Ark.
In computing, we will be making animated clips using imotion.
In French, we will be learning how to count.
Homework Children are asked to complete two tasks for homework. The first one is a learning log (see list below) that they can present in any way they like. The second task is a short revision activity. This second activity should only take them a short time to complete. Learning logs will be marked and returned each week. Remeber you can use the links provided to help you.
Learning logs Children will be given homework to complete in their learning log every week. Here is a list of the homework for this half term:
Spring 1 - Homework Week 1 – Write about someone who has achieved their goals Week 2 – Create a design based on Billie Zangewa’s tapestry Week 3 – Draw and label a Roman soldier Week 4 - Retell your favourite fable English Week 5 – Research Jeanne Baret Week 6 - Show what you have learnt about The Romans in this topic
You can include writing, drawings, cuttings, collage - anything you like in your learning log task (above). Please remember to complete the second task as it will help you to remember what we have been learning in English or maths. This part should only take you 10-15 minutes to complete. |
Our Class Prayers LUNCHTIME PRAYER For health and strength and daily food, we thank you God. Amen.
END OF THE DAY PRAYER At the end of the day, we would like to say, Thank you God for a lovely day. Please keep us safe 'till the morning. Amen. |
School Visits
11th September 2024: Poole's Cavern - Green Lane, Buxton SK17 9DH.
10th October 2024: trip to Castleshaw Activity Centre as part of our personal development.
We will be visiting Castlefield, in Manchester, for our Romans topic in spring and Silver Springs orienteering course, as part of our geography map skills, in summer. Details to follow.