Miss Froggatt and Mrs Richards help us to learn in Class 2.
Arrive between 8:35am -8:45am
Hometime: 3:15pm
Spring 1
To the Resue
In history this half term we will be learning about important individuals from the past such as Mary Seacole, Florence Nightingale and Edith Cavell. We will be comparing the three nurses and the similarities and differences between nursing in the Victorian times to today.
We will also be completing the 'Little Resucers' programme and will be learning how to do First Aid and other important life saving skills.
See below all the key knowledge we will learning:
In DT this half term we will be focusing on mechanisms. We will be designing and building fairground wheels.
See below the key knowledge we will learning:
Homework & Reminders
These will be given out on Monday for the children to learn at home to be tested in school the following Friday. The spellings for the entire term are at the front of your child's reading diary.
Learning Logs
Learning Logs are given out on Fridays and are to be handed in the following Wednesday. It is a creative way for the children to present their learning from what they have done in class or research about the next topic.
Ideally, children should read a wide range of books/texts whenever possible. Even 5 minutes a day can make a difference! New reading books are given out on Fridays and need to be brought in everyday. Most of the books the children bring home are the ones they have been practising during our daily Read Write Inc phonic sessions, plus one which is similar and focuses on the same theme. Reading diaries need to be signed at least 3 times a week to show you have read with your child.
P.E. kits need to be brought in every Monday and the children will return home wearing their kits on a Monday after their PE lesson with Coach Jake.
Parents and carers, thank you for all your support with all this. Please read the Friday Note for weekly updates.
Our Class Prayers
Lunchtime Prayer
Thank you for the world so sweet,
thank you for the food we eat,
thank you for the birds that sing,
thank you God for everything
End of the day prayer
Thank you Lord for this nice day,
Bless our work, our friends, our play
Please chat to Miss Froggatt in the yard about anything not covered here. You are welcome to email her at froggattm@sja.fa1.uk, for any advice or queries which you may have.
Please remember to check your Friday Note that is emailed out regularly for important school news and events.
Miss Froggatt and Mrs Richards help us to learn in Class 2.
Arrive between 8:35am -8:45am
Hometime: 3:15pm
Spring 1
To the Resue
In history this half term we will be learning about important individuals from the past such as Mary Seacole, Florence Nightingale and Edith Cavell. We will be comparing the three nurses and the similarities and differences between nursing in the Victorian times to today.
We will also be completing the 'Little Resucers' programme and will be learning how to do First Aid and other important life saving skills.
See below all the key knowledge we will learning:
In DT this half term we will be focusing on mechanisms. We will be designing and building fairground wheels.
See below the key knowledge we will learning:
Homework & Reminders
These will be given out on Monday for the children to learn at home to be tested in school the following Friday. The spellings for the entire term are at the front of your child's reading diary.
Learning Logs
Learning Logs are given out on Fridays and are to be handed in the following Wednesday. It is a creative way for the children to present their learning from what they have done in class or research about the next topic.
Ideally, children should read a wide range of books/texts whenever possible. Even 5 minutes a day can make a difference! New reading books are given out on Fridays and need to be brought in everyday. Most of the books the children bring home are the ones they have been practising during our daily Read Write Inc phonic sessions, plus one which is similar and focuses on the same theme. Reading diaries need to be signed at least 3 times a week to show you have read with your child.
P.E. kits need to be brought in every Monday and the children will return home wearing their kits on a Monday after their PE lesson with Coach Jake.
Parents and carers, thank you for all your support with all this. Please read the Friday Note for weekly updates.
Our Class Prayers
Lunchtime Prayer
Thank you for the world so sweet,
thank you for the food we eat,
thank you for the birds that sing,
thank you God for everything
End of the day prayer
Thank you Lord for this nice day,
Bless our work, our friends, our play
Please chat to Miss Froggatt in the yard about anything not covered here. You are welcome to email her at froggattm@sja.fa1.uk, for any advice or queries which you may have.
Please remember to check your Friday Note that is emailed out regularly for important school news and events.